is a very horrible illness to go through. If you are one those who has
experienced a migraine then you would fully understand what it is like to be. Migraines are throbbing and can at its worst
ruin one's day. A migraine
headache is a disorder particularly known as a severe painful headache at the
front or side of the head. It is often
accompanied vomiting, nausea and can sometimes be sensitive to light and sound.
Migraines are commonly experienced by women than in men and may frequently
happen as many times in a week. It can begin at any time but normally in the
early morning.
Migraines cannot be cured but can primarily be managed through
medication. There are a variety of medications that are used to treat migraine
and this generally fall into 2 types, abortive and preventive medications.
Preventive medications are medications which are regularly taken in order to
minimize the occurrence of migraines. While abortive medications or pain
medications are taken during attacks and intended to stop symptoms that have
already started.
Preventive medication may include any of the following:
vasodilators, anti-convulsants, beta-blockers, tricyclic anti-depressants and calcium channel blockers. On the other hand, Abortive
medication includes vasoconstrictors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDS) and serotonin agonists.
people who are suffering from migraines will go for medications but for some they
may go for an alternative treatment, such as remedial massage therapy. There are
several ways that a remedial massage can help patients with migraine headaches.
And the most important thing that a remedial massage offers is that it will
help relax the patient causing the pain to lessen.
Remedial massage therapy helps relieve the pain by:
- Minimizing any stress which maybe causing the headache.
- Releases muscle spasms and tensions in the head. When it releases such tension and the pressure is taking off the nerves and their supplying blood vessels which will lead to pain reduction of the headache.
- Stimulating the brain’s release of feel-good endorphins which fight pain
- Promotes blood circulation that allows toxins and other waste products to be eliminated quickly.
massage therapy can be an excellent way to relax your body, relieve stress, and
get rid of the pain in a natural way without having to take any pain medicine. When
you suffer a migraine headache and want to get rid of the pain,
please visit www.sydney-sports-massage.com.au.
please visit www.sydney-sports-massage.com.au.
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