Sunday, January 18, 2015

Exercise Tips for Bad Knees

When your knees are in pain, exercising is sometimes out of question because you don’t like it. However, knees are more painful when you don’t exercise.

Ensure that you keep fit because this can help in the way your knees feel. The best thing to do is exercise without putting stress on your knees. Focus on exercises like walking and swimming and do not perform running and calisthenics. When the muscles surrounding the knees are strengthen, the pain is minimized. Integrate these exercises with your fitness routine.

1.             Swimming

This is a best exercise because swimming puts no stress on the knees and tones of the whole body. It is fun when you are in water and you can definitely help burn calories if you do it 3-4 times per week. Spending just even twenty minutes is sufficient to experience the cardiovascular benefits. The kicking motion of the legs will also help strengthen the muscles that support the knees.

Rowing machines are best for the knees and the bending motion helps tighten the leg muscles. This works well over the toner that helps wonder on the arms. The upper body ergometer is a known piece of gym equipment which helps the upper body a good workout. Use your arms to pedal instead of the legs.


Bicycling is another exercise that helps strengthen the knees.
One could ride outside and enjoy the sunshine or opt for a stationary bike that can help put less stress on the knees. Aside from strengthening knees, riding a bike is also good for your cardiovascular system.

Together with cardio exercises, you need to include stretching movements that toughen the muscles close your knees. The muscles that upkeep your knees are on the front, back, inside and outside your thighs.

When muscles are strengthened, this ensures your knees are strong and resistant to injury. Stretching these muscles will keep your joints from hardening too. 

1.  Heel slide

Get on your back bending your right knee with your right foot flat on the floor. Gently slide your left heel to the floor. Hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 to 10 times on each leg.

2.  Hamstring stretch

Stand up and put one foot in front of you with your toes facing up. Hold on to a chair if you need support. Bend your opposite knee and hip until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Your upper body will move at your hip. Hold for 10 seconds and release.  Repeat 5 to 10 times on each leg.

Bad knees don’t have to hold you back need not to prevent from starting with an exercise routine. Help your knees strong with these exercises and stretches and you can lose weight and get fit. These exercises are easy to do and give your knees the workout they need.

These are great tips to follow with but for those who are really in great pain some will go with medication and some chooses massage therapy such as a remedial massage. For the discomfort of your knee pain, please visit  now.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Remedial Massage Therapy for Migraine Headache

Migraine is a very horrible illness to go through. If you are one those who has experienced a migraine then you would fully understand what it is like to be. Migraines are throbbing and can at its worst ruin one's day.  A migraine headache is a disorder particularly known as a severe painful headache at the front or side of the head.  It is often accompanied vomiting, nausea and can sometimes be sensitive to light and sound. Migraines are commonly experienced by women than in men and may frequently happen as many times in a week. It can begin at any time but normally in the early morning.

Migraines cannot be cured but can primarily be managed  through medication. There are a variety of medications that are used to treat migraine and this generally fall into 2 types, abortive and preventive medications. Preventive medications are medications which are regularly taken in order to minimize the occurrence of migraines. While abortive medications or pain medications are taken during attacks and intended to stop symptoms that have already started.

Preventive medication may include any of the following: vasodilators, anti-convulsants, beta-blockers, tricyclic anti-depressants and calcium channel blockers.  On the other hand, Abortive medication includes vasoconstrictors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and serotonin agonists.

Most people who are suffering from migraines will go for medications but for some they may go for an alternative treatment, such as remedial massage therapy. There are several ways that a remedial massage can help patients with migraine headaches. And the most important thing that a remedial massage offers is that it will help relax the patient causing the pain to lessen.

Remedial massage therapy helps relieve the pain by:

  • Minimizing any stress which maybe causing the headache.
  • Releases muscle spasms and tensions in the head. When it releases such tension and the pressure is taking off the nerves and their supplying blood vessels which will lead to pain reduction of the headache.
  • Stimulating the brain’s release of feel-good endorphins which fight pain
  • Promotes blood circulation that allows toxins and other waste products to be eliminated quickly.

Remedial massage therapy can be an excellent way to relax your body, relieve stress, and get rid of the pain in a natural way without having to take any pain medicine. When you suffer a migraine headache and want to get rid of the pain, 
please visit