Sunday, December 7, 2014

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage for Lower Back Pains

Lower back pain is a condition that ranks second among the many reasons that people will visit a doctor. There are many treatments that have been put forward as will be discussed below but the ultimate treatment is a good massage.

There are 3 main forms of treatments put forward for lower back pain and they include a full-body relaxation massage, deep tissue massage as well as the conventional physical and medication therapy. Out of the 3 types of treatments, it was found that the massage therapy was the most effective in dealing with the back pain compared to conventional medicine due to the deep relaxation it brought to the body. Furthermore the effects lasted for over half a year.

When the two types of massage were compared, deep tissue massage emerged as the better alternative. Not only is it good in relieving lower back pain, but it’s also for your overall health; promotes recovery from major injuries as well as promoting healing.

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of deep tissue massage for more insight:

Reduction in spine pressure

This massage leads to the loosening of the body’s soft tissues in the lower back. Such kind of pressure on the spine is the root cause of lower back pain. Therefore when this kind of massage is conducted such spine pressure is relieved which also consequently improves a range of motions and the individual feels much better.

Oxygen flow to the muscles

This massage has been shown to have a directly effect on the body’s circulatory system. It aids in increasing oxygen and blood flow to the muscles. When such muscles are invigorated with an increase in blood and oxygen flow, they react by easing the lower back pain.

Loosening of tissue

The soft body tissues may become rigid as a result of some of the activities we engage in on a daily basis. Overtime such rigidity is what may cause lower back pain. This kind of massage is aimed at loosening such soft tissues and gives you deep relaxation and relief from the pain.

Flushing out of muscle tissue toxins

This massage has been shown to stimulate the lymphatic system which consequently leads to flushing out of toxins form the muscles. Some of the toxins are responsible for lower back pains and therefore upon elimination the body is relieved of the pain. Other benefits include an improved immune system.

This therapy has many other benefits in addition to elimination of lower back pain and they include lowering stress levels and reduction in chronic pain.

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